NCDC Reveals Why Nigerians Will Never See Covid-19 Patients In Isolation Centres.

NCDC Reveals Why Nigerians Will Never See Covid-19 Patients In Isolation Centres.

Covid-19 has been a serious puzzle in Nigeria since its outbreak. Despite the scores of death recorded,  many Nigerians still find it difficult to embrace Covid-19 as a reality.

Few days ago, the Chairman of the Presidential Task Force, Boss Mustapha urged Covid-19  patients to stop disclosing the drugs used for treatment at the isolation centres. This particular  assertion added to already formed opinion of the people  to doubt coronavus outbreak in Nigeria. 

Similarly, Nigerians have challenged Nigeria Centre for Disease Control for just announcing positive results without showing the infected patients like other countries. 

Meanwhile,  NCDC has responded by revealing why Covid-19 patients are not shown on the tv screen or in print for  Nigerians to see. NCDC has found it unethical and unprofessional to reveal Covid-19 patients to Nigerians as requested.

NCDC through its official handle said, ," Respect, Privacy and confidentiality are some of the values  we maintain as a public health institute when responding to infectious  disease outbreaks.

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